
  • ***HUGE Announcement Time***

    We’ve done it, We’ve raised and donated £100K to charity!!

    Just in time for our 9th birthday.

    We’ve tried to get some of the biking press to run a piece since its also International Womens Day.. guess what.. not one of them has!
    So please share the hell out of this post to shout how proud we are to have achieved this- let the world know what women working together can do.
    Thanks to everyone joining the Witch Way Round hunts , buying merch, organising events and the many many women involved working behind the scenes over the years thank you!
    Together you’ve helped support the following:
    Samaritans £8,045.00
    Breast Cancer Now £33,393.46
    Association of Air Ambulances £741.35
    Macmillans £591.10
    Biker Relief Foundation £951.32
    FOSTBC (Border Collies) £500.00
    Greyhound Gap £500.00
    Siberian Husky Welfare £500.00
    Staffordshire Bull Terrier Rescue £500.00
    Cat Action Trust £500.00
    Give a dog a bone £500.00
    Cinnamon Trust £7,500.00
    Period Poverty £2,666.91
    The Jersey Brain Tumour Charity £500.00
    Pikilili £4,463.00
    Dementia UK £1,402.50
    Target Ovarian Cancer £17,092.00
    Finding your feet £7,089.00
    Diane Hart Border Collie Rescue & Rehabilitation £500.00
    St Marys Foodbank £30.00
    Raptor Rescue £250.00
    Best Friends Animal Society (US) £115.00
    Roots Foundation Wales £4,663.00
    Animal Haven Ireland £2,676.00
    FoodCycle £1,988.00
    Matlosana Animal Shelter £1,000.00
    Les Amies des Animeaux £856.04
    British Divers Marine Life Rescue £500.00

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

    All at MW XX

    ***HUGE Announcement Time***


    We are so close to raising £100k for charity it hurts! Incredibly we’ve now given away over £99k to charity

    Its our 9th birthday in less than a month , also International Womens Day at the same time. It would be beyond amazing if we can reach our target by then.

    So please if you’ve been thinking about it sign up to this years hunts and donating direct to our just giving page for FoodCycle, don’t delay.

    Feeling cold? buy one of our hats or tshirts,
    need a gift for a friend buy one of our guardian Bells
    Playing cards? we got ’em

    We don’t expect something for nothing – every bit of stock we have is now paid for so every penny apart from postage will go straight to charity – so please please please help us hit this amazing landmark

    Team MW XX


  • Another day another charitable donation….

    This time £1000 to Matlosana Animal Shelter in South Africa. They do some amazing work with some really extreme cases so really do deserve every penny.

    This takes the total donated from the MW/Motogirl collaboration so far to £4532.04!

    Another day another charitable donation….


    £3532.04 – donated so far!

    Being as this one has been about supporting international animal charities we would like to introduce you to the second charity this years funds have gone to so far:

    A charity particularly close to the packing Fairies as Woody, international packing fairy dog, calendar star, sidecar rider & sometime friend to Amber the wonder dog is from there.

    We have sent them over €1000 (£856.04) thanks to everyone who has bought the hoodies and everyone at MotoGirl for going above and beyond to make this happen


  • MW/MotoGirl Fundraising Update

    Huge thank you to everyone who’s bought our special run of Helmet Hoodies sold in collaboration with MotoGirl

    Also, a special thanks to Motogirl, who didn’t just hand over profits from the sale but paid all the bulk shipping and have paid an additional chunk out of their own pocket to subsidise each hoody.

    This means we have been able to send a total of €3154.00 to @animal_haven_ireland

    MW/MotoGirl Fundraising Update

  • We’re getting closer !

    In just a few days since Christmas, you’ve raised another £1000 with this years Witch Way Round Wicked, which means we have now raised £95,000 for charity since we started as a group!

    Let this be the year that takes us to £100k – join the hunt

    All money raised from merchandise sales and WWR goes direct to charity.

    We’re getting closer !